Written on May 26, 2022

Welcome to my Blog

Hello! My name is Leo

Whoosh! Here I am! Leo Mark Castro, at your service (or my service), this whole web page is like fan service for my own.

10 Things About Me:

  1. 1. I like Programming

  2. 2. I don't know what I like

  3. 3. I like guitars

  4. 4. I like radiohead

  5. 5. I like terraria

  6. 6. I'm more of a 'Listener' person

  7. 7. I'm an introvert

  8. 8. I like more confrontational discussions

  9. 9. I hate competitions

  10. 10. I love you. ❤❤

Soon, I'll try to fill this website up with random contents and etcetera depending on my mood. See you soon!

© 2022, Developed and Maintained by Yours Truly.